Well i have been slowly building my BR so that i can hit my goal of supernova. it has been going good. i have been doing extremly well at the 8-game on stars. the action suprisingly has been really good. RAZZ has turned out to be my best game in it. as the majority of my profits have come from it. as expected 2-7low ball has been nothing short of AWFULL!!!!!!!!
anyway i have started to play some NL25. i have put in only a little over 2k hands in the past 5 days. i need to learn alot more when playing multitables. so i have been mixing in 4 tables of NL25 FR 40-100bb tables. i play about 200 hands no matter how i doing and go over EVERY hand. so i been studing more then i have been playing.
its amazing to see what you can learn. betting sizes have been my down fall.
my goal is withing 3 weeks be at 12 tables, and my BR is good for 50NL.
Oh and please go ready FROSTY012's blog. its the best thing to keep you motivated.